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Estate Sale of Marcia Bentley

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Birmingham, AL 35209 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 25
10am to 4pm
Aug 26
9am to 3pm
Aug 27
12pm to 2pm

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Parking on one side of street, please ...... we love the police but we do not want them coming.
 Description & Details

Lovely Homewood area home that’s packed full of great things …..fridge, antique bed and vanity, Empire sideboard, needle point area rug, China, crystal stems, copper collection, cast iron cookware, antique dining room suite, nice clothing, costume jewelry, new runner for staircase, black singer sewing machine, outdoor lighted reindeer, patio furniture, large antique fan, hand tools, yard tools, Xmas decor, rattan sofa, display case, records, new Tupperware, picture frames, chest, dresser, Rainbow vacuum cleaner, wall decor, books, silver plate flatware, linens galore, luggage and basement is full!!!

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