Hanna Estate Services - Birmingham Southern College - Special Auction
online only auction•10 day sale •sale is over
Sale Starts
Jun 14
Sale Ends
Jun 23

Seller only accepts major credit cards.
-All of the items listed will be live for bidding on Friday, June 14th from 7pm (central time) until Sunday, June 23rd at 7pm.
-Purchased items will be available to be picked up the week of June 24th-28th on the BSC campus. We will call you to schedule your pickup time.
We have a separate sale for the contents of Birmingham Southern College that will be visible all week, and live for purchasing by the general public on Friday, June 21st at 7pm till Sunday the 23rd at 11pm.
-Purchased items will be available to be picked up the week of June 24th-28th on the BSC campus. We will call you to schedule your pickup time.
We have a separate sale for the contents of Birmingham Southern College that will be visible all week, and live for purchasing by the general public on Friday, June 21st at 7pm till Sunday the 23rd at 11pm.