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The Estate of Newport Philanthropist, Entrepreneur, Businesswoman, a Lady with very fine taste...

by appointment3 day sale sale is over
  • Address This sale in Newport Beach, CA 92660 is a "By Appointment" sale. Please see sale info below for details.
Oct 24
10am to 12pm
Oct 25
10am to 12pm
Oct 26
10am to 12pm

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We are fully booked for Thursday, Friday. A few slots are avail for Saturday but you will need to email me before 8 am Friday as I submit the list shortly thereafter. Thank you. The Estate of a Newport Philanthropist, Entrepreneur, and Businesswoman... a Lady with very fine taste... You must email me at least 1-2 days before as a guest list must be cleared at the gate 24 hours in advance. So, please do not email or text the day of expecting to attend. It will not happen. More pictures and updates as we continue our progress... We will...

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