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50% OFF everything!!!Amazing Finds PB Bayfront

estate sale4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in San Diego, CA 92109 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 21
9am to 2pm
Nov 22
9am to 2pm
Nov 23
9am to 2pm
Nov 24
9am to 2pm
Estate Sales by Treasures New Postcard

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List will be put out for sign ups the night before sale

Buyer must supply all packing & loading materials along with someone to help with larger items.

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 Description & Details

Asian delight! 50% OFF, own a piece of history at a fraction of the appraised value. This is the largest collection of Asian artifacts we have ever had ! Amazing items !Amazing lamps, artifacts, art and furniture. Full set on MCM Dansk brown mist china,mid century dansk cookware from France,Irma Rene Kaen painting in board, buzz blodgett blown glass, 2 other sets of China, American brilliant cut crystal, dank cookware, crystal decanters sterling, high end vintage clothing like St John and Valentino, Ugg boots, designer shoes, Helen Hyde art, sneider glass, blown glass, Lorna Meaden pottery, Dorothy Thorpe glassware, and...

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