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moved offsite to warehouse4 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Denver, CO 80223 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 16
8:30am to 4pm
Oct 17
8:30am to 4pm
Oct 18
8:30am to 4pm
Oct 19
8:30am to 4pm
Old Milk Bottles, Ship Tac, Knives, Wood Butter Stamps, Coin Changer, 1940-1950 Slides.

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 Terms & Conditions
Parking is available along the street in front of the warehouse, it does say no parking but it hasn'...
 Description & Details

This space inside this warehouse was rented by a gentleman that has unfortunately left this world. He was a collector of many things with no true rhyme nor reason, just a gut feeling for what be worth something some day in which he could make a dollar. There is a huge amount of fishing, vintage all of it, some with names and most without. Fly fishing seems to be the majority of the poles and reels but there is fishing rods and reels for everyday fishing and some deep sea rods and reels. A lot of lures, flies, fly tying...

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