Bloomingdeals Near Lake Jackson

estate sale3 day sale last day is tomorrow
  • Directions
    GARBAGE day is FRIDAY do not double park! Lots of ditches on driveways and in front of houses for drainage so pay attention. EVERYONE PARK ON ONE SIDE OF THE ROAD. You can pull up to the house for ... 
Jan 30
9am to 12pm
Jan 31
9am to 12pm
Feb 1
9am to 12pm
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 Description & Details

This home is almost ready to go on the market. Mid Century Blue vintage aluminum table, two sets of china, other sets of dinnerware, beautiful decorator plates, clock collection (125 for all), 5 large tubs of Christmas, tile outdoor table with six chairs, carvings, recliners, leather loveseat recliner, navy blue loveseat, wheel chair and walkers, lots of smalls, some fishing supplies, deer antlers, Norman Rockwell bookends, small student desk, trunk, coffee table, display table, men’s clothing and shoes, some women’s clothing, several nice outdoor chairs and tables, pots for planting violets galore, Shepards hooks. Numerous outdoor tools and equipment for...

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