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estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in The Villages, FL 32162 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 22
9am to 3pm
Oct 23
9am to 3pm
Oct 24
9am to 3pm

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We appreciate you coming to visit! Please note WE DO NOT LOAD OR LIFT, please bring help. All large furniture must be picked up by end of sale. WE DO NOT PRE SALE. We accept cash, credit cards and electronic payment such as google and apple pay. We price weeks in advance and do not keep pricing on hand.
 Description & Details

Animal hides, beautiful furn, Oriental theme decor, Peacock decor, Foo Dog Statues (one is damages), Complete doll house,, American girl doll, Vintage Coogi sweaters, office furn, bedroom furn, fridge, freezer, holiday decor, hundreds of books, any kitchen gadget you can think of, Kitchen Aid mixer, Ninja, Air Fryer,, Pfaltzgraff dish collections (Winterberry and Christmas), Bar, Wrought Iron patio furn, Artificial plants and plant pots, Art, wicker bench, Blue Lapis globe, desk, filing cabinets (wooden, brand new), white couch, Mac computer, keyboards and mouse, rugs, blank CDs, striped chairs, red couch, plant columns, Peacock art and Peacock Stained glass, lamps, side...

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