Antiques, Collectibles, Household Sale
Sale conducted by Valley Estate/Tag Sales, Red Oak, Iowa.
Terms: All sales final, cash or checks, accepted, buyer must have help loading.
Contact Information: or 480-202-9771

Antiques and Collectibles: Oak roll top desk and caned office chair; walnut Victorian bed, dresser and commode with white marble top; Eastlake bed and dresser with red marble top; walnut drop leaf table; corner cabinets; display cabinets; Pathe Victrola; walnut dressers with fruit pulls; vanity dresser and mirror; small secretary; walnut Victorian parlor table; set of 3 stacking end tables; round parlor table; oak drop leaf kitchen table and chairs; caned chairs; maple bedroom set; maple desk; student desk; rockers; quilt racks; quilts; mission bookcase; corner glass front curio cabinet; antique baby buggy; doll buggy; crib; wicker bassinet; mannequin; hat boxes and hats; cedar book shelf; coffee table; 50’s doll houses; large collection of dolls; stereo optic and cards; pedal fire truck; coffee table with white marble; Jr. size spindle bed; parlor settee; hall tables; mirrored hat rack; framed glass pinball covers; pine kitchen cabinet; oak parlor table; small maple secretary; Gulf and Chevron glass framed; wicker book shelf; crock bowls; kerosene lanterns; ice cream parlor table and chairs; child’s oak rocker and oak table and chairs; several Holiday Barbies; record player; radios; Brothers sewing machine; brass hall tree; wood kitchen stool; child’s blackboard easel; jewelry; braided rugs; cider press; graniteware; single tree and hames; numerous signs; grandfather clock; child’s toy sewing machine; antique toys; kitchen items; china and glassware; railroad lamp; old erector set; cast iron kettle; pyrex; framed art and pictures; vintage tables and chairs; door stop; railroad lamp; rug beaters; records; vintage children’s clothes plus much much more.
Household and Misc.: Sofa; coffee table; round end tables; corner fireplace; floor lamps; table lamps; DP fit machine; room dividers; large wall bookcase; dining room hutch; mirrors; jewelry chest; ping pong table; billard table and accessories; many large plastic outdoor advertising letters; wood storage chest; drop leaf table; fireplace irons; bicyle; granite canner; sad irons; Amana refrigerator/freezer; metal file cabinet; round folding table; clothes racks; bakers rack; dishes; kitchenware; beanie babies; dolls.
Tools and Outdoor: Rockwell table saw on stand; power washer; air compressor; Remington pole saw; Craftsman, elec. start snowblower; B&D weed trimmer; 2 wheel cart; tractor weights; fishing poles and tackle boxes; ext. ladder and wood ladder; wood door; flower pots; decorative yard art and cement figurines; wood porch swing; lawn chairs; license plates; 2 yard windmills; wood welcome signs; flower pots; rakes; forks; hoes; shovels; wire chicken coop; iron grate; saw horses; misc. garden tools; nail puller; bolt cutters.

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