Timeless Memories Estate Sale
estate sale•2 day sale •sale is over
Jul 24
9am to 3pm
Jul 25
9am to 3pm
We accept cash or checks. Please bring help to load large items. Must wear a mask to enter. Please follow social distancing.

Privately Listed Sale
Large estate sale of Bob & Joyce MacFarlane with lots treasures! Furniture, linens, many toys, vintage jewelry, full kitchen, Vintage Schwinn bicycles, mower, exercise bike, full garages including tools &Craftsman toolbox, games, many office items, some retro items, clothes, garden items, vintage Noritake Folkstone stoneware set, holiday decor, wheel chairs, some books, Brunswick pool table, game table, bird houses, vintage Paul McCobb credenza (needs work) and Paul McCobb chairs (needs work), cast iron tripod with pot, and much, much more! Fun sale!

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