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Downers Grove HUGE Warehouse Sale ONE DAY ONLY Christmas Collectibles Housewares Antiques Jewelry

moved offsite to warehouse•1 day sale •sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Downers Grove, IL 60515 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 19
10am to 4pm

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Parking in front of garage bay doors is Reserved for handicapped and furniture loading only.

Enter at your own risk; we are not responsible for accidents, injury or any damage to and/or loss of personal property. Your entrance into the sale property constitutes your full acceptance of these terms.
 Description & Details

This is THE BIGGEST SALE of the YEAR, with THOUSANDS OF ITEMS: Just about everything you can imagine! NEW and sealed Items from boutique stores, retail stores and dozens of households. Christmas, Jewelry, Housewares, Furniture, Antiques, Sporting Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Collectibles, Electronics and so much more! All items have been sorted, priced and displayed in multiple walk through spaces for your convenience. Plan on spending some time here! WALK-IN to Shop / No Appointment Needed! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th: 10:00 a- 4:00 p Baskets will be provided for shopping. The following list of Items is just a sampling of what awaits...

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