Rural Furniture Trove
online estate sale•10 day sale •sale is over
Sale Starts
Oct 5
Sale Ends
Oct 14
Seller only accepts major credit cards.
Welcome and thank you for looking at our items. Please be sure to read the entire item description. Some items may have additional information provided in the FAQ section.
As is the case with most estate sales, all sales are as-is and final. We do our best to provide detailed descriptions and pictures of our items so you know exactly what you'll be receiving.
Please use the Ask a Question form or the FAQ section if you have any questions about this item. Payments will be processed by square and sale tax will apply. Our contracted company for this sale will be sending receipts as The Earthly Muse.
When items are picked up please bring help. There will not be anyone to help load. Items are heavy! Not responsible for accidents or lost items.
Pick up will be October 15th and 16th. Appointment must me made for pick up.
As is the case with most estate sales, all sales are as-is and final. We do our best to provide detailed descriptions and pictures of our items so you know exactly what you'll be receiving.
Please use the Ask a Question form or the FAQ section if you have any questions about this item. Payments will be processed by square and sale tax will apply. Our contracted company for this sale will be sending receipts as The Earthly Muse.
When items are picked up please bring help. There will not be anyone to help load. Items are heavy! Not responsible for accidents or lost items.
Pick up will be October 15th and 16th. Appointment must me made for pick up.
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