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estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Union, IL 60180 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 28
8am to 5pm
Mar 1
8am to 5pm
Mar 2
8am to 2pm

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 Description & Details

Owner is moving and operated an antique business. The entire home is full of 50 years worth of collecting! HOUSEHOLD- vintage Pyrex bowls, dishes, Rogers silver plate, serving utensils, fine china, pitchers, pottery, tablecloths, plates, pots, pans, cookware, vintage glassware, crystal, antique teapot collection, vintage ashtrays, treadle sewing machine, buttons, clocks, vintage toys, games, dice, marbles, typewriter, vintage telephones, Flintridge china, porcelain canisters, Tobies, beer pitchers and steins, silverware, ValleyField by Dalton, Heinrich Bavarian china, Raynaud A. Ceralene Limoge bowls, vintage cameras, photo equipment, cast iron skillets FURNITURE- Chairs, antique tables, rugs, beds, bookcases, Lane trunk, shelves, original artwork, paintings,...

Twin Pines

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