50% OFF Priced to Sell Bloomfield Hills Estate Sale
Cash and credit cards accepted. Any credit card purchase will be subject to a 3% service fee. All sales are final, there will be no returns or refunds allowed, so review all items carefully before you purchase them.
Bring help to load large items, you will be responsible for moving all purchases made and also be responsible for any damages, accidents, or injuries caused by moving your purchased items.
This sale contains many valuable breakable items, so please be careful. You will be responsible for any items you break.
You enter our sale at your own risk, A&A Estate Sales is not responsible for any personal injuries while on the grounds during our sales, thank you for understanding.
Parking can be along the sides of the adjacent roads. Please do not block any driveways.

Privately Listed Sale
A&A Estate Sales is back with another Estate sale! Come explore this packed Bloomfield Township house located in the Wabeek subdivision! It’s filled with:
- Living room furniture
- Bedroom furniture
- Artworks
- Womens clothing, shoes, and bags
- Mens clothing
- Jewelry
- Tools
- Kitchen ware
- Silverware sets
- Coffee/Tea sets
- Small appliances
- Dining room tables and chairs
- Refrigerators
- Vintage Playboy magazines
- Wheelchairs and other medical supplies
- And much much more!

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