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Clinton Township Estate Sale!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Clinton Township, MI 48036 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 5
9am to 4pm
Sep 6
9am to 4pm
Sep 7
9am to 4pm
. . . Yamaha piano

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CASH or ZELLE ONLY PLEASE! Bring help to load large items. Not responsible for accidents. Please be prepared to abide by any state mandates for mask/gloves -- thanks! Stay safe.
 Description & Details

CLINTON TOWNSHIP ESTATE SALE! Hello, Friends -- please join us for a great sale on Southland Street in Clinton Township Thursday through Saturday, Sept. 5-7. This sale will feature many premium items, including the following: REMINDER! Clinton Township does NOT allow "Estate Sale" signs. Please look for my "JC Garage Sale" signs in our same red, black, and white colors! PURPLE desk, dresser, couch!, Mallary MID-CENTURY furniture: sideboard, table and chairs, bedroom sets, cedar chest, ART: Asian-themed and other art pieces -- lots!, Korean black lacquer chest/armoire, binoculars, Kent Blaihai and Hujtschenreuther china, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Yamaha Clarinova keyboard/piano, autoharp, Casio...

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