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Exceptional Collection General Antiques, Clothing, Laces, Vtg Car Parts - NO JUNK!!

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Farmington Hills, MI 48336 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Aug 24
10am to 4pm
Aug 25
10am to 4pm
Aug 26
10am to 4pm
Rock-Ola Series B Type 2 Nightclub Juke box - 1936

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 Description & Details

This is a once in a lifetime sale!! This is the contents of a lifetime collector of very fine antiques, antique clothing, exquisite antique laces, exceptional smalls, vintage car parts, and so much more. This will be a series of sales with each one getting better in quality! This collector bought the finest things from all over the world and in large quantities. This is truly one you do not want to miss!! Doll Collectors: There are hundreds of antique christening/baptismal gowns along with a huge selection of vintage and antique children's clothing, shoes, hats, and accessories. There are also...

Antiques with Grace

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