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Hunting, fishing, Honda ATV, Trailer, Fender Guitars outdoor furniture and beautiful decor

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
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  • Address The address for this sale in Marine City, MI 48039 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Jun 21
9am to 3pm
Jun 22
9am to 3pm
Jun 23
9am to 3pm
pair of white bookcase cabinets, Great Lake ship books,

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 Description & Details

This couple is on a new adventure and their entire home and barns are full top the brim! From Fender Guitars, amps, & violins. The hunting supplies are too many to possibly list them all! (By the way **NO FIREARMS** Here is a very very partial list of items: *Honda Rincon Atv (2003-2005) *Simplicity 5216 Hydrostatic Riding Mower *Kennedy Tool boxes 6 Drawer and 4 drawer *Craftsman, Husky Toolboxes *Grinder *Light Blue Vintage Porcelain roasting Pan *Counter Height Oval Dining table and chairs in Maple and onyx finish *5x7 rectangular brown blue and tan rug *Patio set table and 4...

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