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Vicksburg Motown, Music, Flamingos & more! 50% off Wednesday

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Vicksburg, MI 49097 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 15
10am to 5pm
Oct 16
10am to 5pm

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Cash Only. Venmo is accepted. Not responsible for accidents. Be respectful of parking.
I arrive early and will hand out numbers to those waiting. I open promptly at 10:00am for this sale and customers are let in according to arrival order.
Prices not given out over the phone.
 Description & Details

This home is loaded with music and movie memorabilia. There are some nice Motown items and owner was specifically a fan of Supremes Mary Wilson. Twister movie items, several personal photos, autographed items and collectibles. Very large laserdisc movie collection. The owner also collected flamingos, 9-11 memorabilia, racing related & Kalamazoo Wings related items, glassware, vintage items throughout home, quilting & sewing, sewing machines (Brother Pacesetter ULT2003D), toys and many children’s books, 1970s paperback books, holiday, picnic tables including one collapsible, recliner, vintage denims, vintage snowmobile suits, kitchenware, lots of silverware, vintage yellow metal cabinet, nice cookware, Corelle, Corning Ware,...

Sandy's Quality Estate Sales

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