Lucky Strike Estate Sales, LLC
MC/VISA/American Express /Discover - no checks
All Sales Final-all merchandise is sold AS-IS
Not Responsible for Injuries or Accidents
Bring help to load large items & Boxes/packing supplies.

Preview at 4, Auction starts at 5:30. Auctions are held the 1st and 3rd week of each month!
Everyone is welcome, ESPECIALLY Dealers!
Secondary pickup is available for furniture on Friday morning if necessary.
50/50 Drawing at 7pm.
Featured Items of the Auction include:
***Guns- Guns will be offered for auction at 6 PM. The FFL fee is $20 and you may pick up your gun at the Alamo Friday after passing the background check. Please do NOT bid on a gun if you cannot pass the background check.
1. Pre WWII German Walther PPK 7.65 AUTO
2. Derringer P.T.E 38 Cal
3. Smith & Wesson 28 357 Magnum Cal 6” barrel
4. Smith & Wesson 10 38 Spcl. 4” barrel
5. Raven Arms P25 25 Cal 2” barrel
6. Smith & Wesson 64 38 Spcl. SS 4” barrel
7. Smith & Wesson 36 38 Spcl. 2” barrel
8. Iver Johnson Arms 32 Cal Short 4” barrel top break
9. Ruger Blackhawk 357 Cal 7” barrel
10. Beretta 950 BS 25 Cal 2” barrel
11. Liberty 22 Short 3” barrel
12. Smith & Wesson 66 357 Magnum SS 6” barrel
13. Smith & Wesson 27 357 Magnum 5” barrel
14. Smith & Wesson 6946 9MM Semi 3.5” barrel
15. Glock Model 19 Gen 2 9MM Semi 4” barrel
16. Mossberg 308
17. Rossi 410/45 New in Box
18. Black Powder Double Barrel
19. Stevens Model 311
20. Rossi RB 22
21. Savage 22 Gauge
22. Harrington & Richardson 12 Gauge
23. Springfield 12 Gauge
24. Mossberg .410
*Collectibles -
1. WWI Era Swiss Bayonet Waffenfabrik Neuhausen
2. Tons of Costume Jewelry & Sterling & Watches
3. Lots of great Ephemera
4. Die Cast Cars
5. Ladies Clothing
Much, Much More!
Effective 1/1/25, 15% Buyer's Premium in effect. If you have a whole or partial estate to liquidate please call Jenn at 636-299-2121. Per the Building: No outside food or drinks allowed into the auction, and no pets allowed. However-service animals specifically trained to aid a person with a disability are welcome.

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