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Multi Sale Liquidation

moved offsite to store2 day sale sale is over
Locally Featured
  • Address The address for this sale in Mc Leansville, NC 27301 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Apr 22
9am to 4pm
Apr 23
12pm to 4pm

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Number of guests may still be limited for social distancing.
There will be hand sanitizer and/or a h...
 Description & Details

The BEST of THREE ESTATES in ONE Location Join us for the FIRST OFF-SITE SALE in our Office and Showroom. This curated collection in a finely appointed space has something for everyone. Furniture by: Dixie Gus Maitland Smith Red Lion Drexel Lane Hickory Chair Kittinger Bowen Town and Country China By: Lenox Kyoto Sango Kensington Appliances by: LG Jura Cook's Essential Electronics by: Sony JVC Purses by: Coach Fossil Whiting Davis Along with: Tupperware (NOS) Housewares Art Home Decor Chinoiserie Patio Furniture Vintage Toys Collectibles And MORE .... SO MUCH MORE!

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