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A Dusty Old Bag is in New Brunswick for a nice two day sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in New Brunswick, NJ 08901 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 5
10am to 3pm
Oct 6
10am to 3pm

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732.236.3377 LIN
732.718.1428 BILL
 Description & Details

A Dusty Old Bag is in New Brunswick for a nice two day sale US Hwy 1. Apt 209 New Brunswick NJ 08901 Saturday Sunday October 5 - 6 10 to 3 Rain or shine Entrance thru Garage #10 on the side of the building Jewelry Queen Size Bedroom. Like New Full Size Bedroom Set. Like New Leather Couch and Side Chair TV Stand TV’s Floor Lamps Jade Figures Japanese Prints Dyson Vacuum Carpets Household And so much more Due to the overwhelming response to this weeks sale it is impossible to answer any phone calls. Questions will be answered...

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