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Estate STuFF is in Wyckoff , NJ

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Wyckoff, NJ 07481 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 10
10am to 4pm
Nov 11
10am to 4pm

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We do not allow any pre-sales or give out pricing in advance of the sale. Please bring help for removing any large items that you purchase. This is a CASH only sale. Thank You! Please call or email us with any questions you may have regarding this sale.

We do not honor lists or provide numbers in advance for our sales. First come, first served at day of sale. Thank you
 Description & Details

WE ARE OPEN SUNDAY. SALE HELD OVER THROUGH SUNDAY! JEWELRY has been added !! Costume & sterling silver glass patio table w/chairs and windup umbrella sun porch furniture wicker furniture weber propane grill French provincial dining room dining room wool rug framed artwork Finesse Originals jousting knights baskets office furniture side tables end tables coffee table book cases toys - Legos - Tonkas - board games - Hess trucks vintage school desks sofas, side chairs, lamps, end tables king size select comfort smart adjustable base with air mattress & control Bernhardt master bedroom furniture Spode dinnerware - just in time...

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