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Excess Antiques, Guns & Collectibles Auction

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  • Address The address for this sale in Three Mile Bay, NY 13693 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 7
10am to 5pm

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$30 NICS background check fee for each rifle/shotgun or $5.00 Ammo background check fee for each ite...
 Description & Details

Excess Antiques, Guns & Collectibles AUCTION 27344 Co. Rt. 57, Three Mile Bay, NY 13693 (Located S. off Rt.12E, between Fox Creek Rd. N. & Haendle Rd.) SAT., SEPT. 7, 10 AM Preview: 9-10 AM Auctioning for Ron Walker Excess Antiques, Guns & Collectibles to include: Machinist tool box w/tools, old tools, axes, hatchets, wood planes, lathe tools, draw knives, drill bits, Early 1800’s Anvil M&H Armitage Mouse Hole 107 lbs; old hand water pump, fire extinguisher, fire hydrant, Leather ammo pouch, bayonets, swords, old milk can, old vises, primitive feed bag filler, cast iron tractor seat, Vagabond bicycle, Vintage...

Brzostek's Auction Service, Inc.

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