Estate Sale by Kent- 5515 Gingertree Ln. (Sylvania)

estate sale3 day sale 5 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Toledo, OH 43623 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, March 13th, 2025.
Mar 14
9am to 3pm
Mar 15
9am to 3pm
Mar 16
9am to 1pm

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Cash only. Please bring friends to help load your vehicle- we do not carry. All sales are final. Not responsible for accidents or theft while attending the sale.

Thank you for thinking of Estate Sales by Kent.

Happy spring almost!
 Description & Details

It’s been a long time coming but worth the wait. We have been very busy preparing for the sale on GingerTree Ln . A large family home with a well stocked garage, a full well-stocked finished basement, and beautiful outdoor furnishings as well. Come see all the pretties. Baby grand piano- Grandfather clock Victrola-complete with records Gorgeous dining room furniture Toys! Yes -Star Wars! Kitchen gadgets and cookware Asian decor from faraway places Fur coats and stoles Tools- big selection to stock your workbench Lovey loveseat Holiday galore! Lamps Paintings (original oils/watercolors) Pretty patio pots Outdoor accessories- very nice ceramic...

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