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North Plains Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in North Plains, OR 97133 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 28
11am to 4pm
Sep 29
11am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

Here is a brief list of what you will find in this sale: Royal Safe (measures 60” tall x 36” wide x 20.5” deep) Sentry Safe (measures 55.5” tall x 17.5” wide x 16” deep) Browning Pro Steel Safe (measures 60” tall x 29.5” wide x 23” deep) Centurion Safe (measures 60” tall x 30” wide x 24” deep) Brass and ammo loading equipment Honda HR215 Lawnmower John Deere 14SB Lawnmower Honda EX650 portable generator Napa Nitro Air Compressor (7 HP) Hitachi P20SB Homelite Super XL chainsaw Oregon 40V Chainsaw Stihl BG86 Blower Enco Scrollsaw Central Pneumatic Steel Blaster Cabinet...

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