Collectibles at Crossgates

online only auction7 day sale 5 days remaining
  • Location Millersville, PA 17551

Sale Starts

Dec 2

Sale Ends

Dec 8

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 Description & Details

Pickup on 12/9 from 2 to 6 pm Zip 17551 - Bidding ends 12/8 - Sports, decor and other collectibles are throughout this two-story home. This is a non-smoking, pet friendly home. Christmas, Sports, Jewelry, Freezer, Glasses, Rings, Lionel, Trains, Vintage Toys, Fisher Price, View Finder, Playskool, Sterling Silver, Necklaces, Antiques, Bracelets, Carolers, Danbury Mint Ruby Jewelry, Petmate Crate, Hess Trucks, Earrings, Strumstick, Pins, Beach Decor, Watches, Clips, Jadite, Ornaments, 14K, Carnival Glass, Wicker, Furniture, Heron, Dorato Guitar, iPod Clock, Kling Dressers, Power Recliner, Books, Hamilton Clock, Art, Kitchen Aid Mixer, Starwars, Appliances, Coca-Cola, Sure Wood Roll Top Desk, Nativities,...

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