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Joe Floyd Estate Sale

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Cookeville, TN 38506 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 12
9am to 5pm
Oct 13
9am to 5pm
Oct 14
9am to 5pm
Chinese alter table that works well as a dining buffet or entryway table.

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 Description & Details

Estate of Joe Floyd Family has an interesting collection of paintings, rugs, antique furniture and MCM, Native American, Asian art and furniture pieces. A lifetime of travel and collections fill this East Cookeville home. Antiques from Asia, Africa, Europe and classic American traditional collections. The stunning dining room table features Italian maple travertine marble on a marble pedestal base. Asian hand carved antiques include a console/alter table constructed with traditional joinery techniques. Hand carved Asian arm chairs, leather club chairs, Cherry Creek antique cherry bed four poster bed, dresser, lingerie chest, and bedside tables. Hand crafted bed and dresser MCM...

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