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estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Arlington, TX 76011 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Nov 8
8:30am to 3pm
Nov 9
8:30am to 3pm

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Credit and Debit Card Accepted. Bring your own movers as we are OLD and cannot move heavy items. If you bring your children or find one on the street and bring them then you must keep them with you at all times. Otherwise we will price and sell them. You pay for any damage done by them and then have to clean the mess they leave. Got it. You are responsible for them...not me.
 Description & Details

GREAT NORTH ARLINGTON HOME This is a GREAT home that is stuffed. We have Treasures that are like new. Master bedroom suite with a beautiful mattress. Very Very full kitchen. Drop leaf table which would be great for your Thanksgiving meal. Primitives. The lady of the house was quite the sewer. Lots of sewing supplies and material. Here is a list of the Treasure we are finding. We will have pictures up on Thursday. Along with a longer list Refrigerator Washer Dryer—Like New Freezer Cast Iron Pans Cast Iron Pots BB Guns Cleaning Supplies Linens Office Desk Lateral File Cabinet...

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