estate sale3 day sale 9 days away
  • Address The address for this sale in Houston, TX 77058 will be available after 9:00am on Thursday, December 26th, 2024.
Dec 27
10am to 5pm
Dec 28
10am to 3pm
Dec 29
10am to 3pm

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All items are SOLD as is where is. Please inspect all items before you Purchase (No Returns). You must provide your own moving for Larger Items/Furniture Etc.)All purchased items need to be picked up by the finish of Final sale day.Cash and Credit Cards Accepted.
 Description & Details

We had the pleasure of meeting the Wonderful Homeowner Cynthia, she is ready for her next move in Life. After 60 yrs in her home she has brought us in to Liquidate everything for her. Just after a little bit of time I spent in the home I noticed all kinds of Treasures. It's like Christmas gets continued for a few more days! On this one we will be opening the doors for you to come on in and start your Treasure Hunting! We will have plenty of hold tables for you to load up. We will be making deals...

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