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Rescheduled due to weather .. From Rustic to Royal Estate Sale

estate sale1 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Montgomery, TX 77316 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Sep 26
10am to 3pm

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Face masks must be worn whether you are inside or outside. Rescheduled due to weather. we are discounting 25% off most items .. we have some exceptions to this. Our prices are extremely reasonable at this sale .. pls Come and enjoy your shopping experience . pls follow our rules about masks and social distancing and have fun looking for treasures . Please note: the sale is about 200 ft from the road - It is well worth the walk!! You can not miss this sale!!! Fantastic, eclectic estate of a couple who spent 40 years collecting. The items range...

Ashbury Lane Estate Services, LLC

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