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Estate Sale

estate sale2 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Portland, TX 78374 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 4
9am to 3pm
Oct 5
9am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

Half off on Saturday! GE Washer & KitchenAid Dryer, reclining sofa set, 2 secretary desks, Kenmore refrigerator, dark oak dining set, two light oak dining tables, Art Deco Burl walnut armoire, Jerme mantle clock, Randy McGovern signed print, Dinah Bowman art, Mt. Fury 12 Speed & Magna XL2 mountain bicycles, Fireking, Cornflower Corningware, George Foreman grill, Castiron, Len meat grinder, 18 qr roaster, oil paintings, signed & numbered prints, shelves, antique corner chair & gossip table, queen canon ball bedroom set, desks, freezer, saw horses hand tools, hunting chairs, lumber, wet-dry vacs, table vise,fishing poles, reels, fishing items, tackle boxes...

Liz & Peggy Sue's Estate Sales

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