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25% OFF SATURDAY! Year-End Multi Estate & Christmas Sale December 5th-7th

moved offsite to warehouse3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Waco, TX 76710 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Dec 5
8:30am to 12pm
Dec 6
9am to 1pm
Dec 7
9am to 1pm

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All items must be picked up within sale hours
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 Description & Details

25% OFF SATURDAY! Year-End multi estate sale includes items that are remaining from our last 4 online estate/collectible auctions, plus more. Lots of unique items, such as Christmas items, ornaments, records, music sheets, sports cards, comic books, books, magazines, clothes, tools, DVDs, collectibles, and more. Three day sale; Thursday(12/5) 830AM to 12PM Friday(12/6) 9AM to 1PM Saturday(12/7) 9AM to 1PM The sale is located @ 5900 Franklin Ave Service Rd Unit 13 Google search "A&R Estate Services Waco" for best directions OR follow the directions detailed in the directions tab of this page. Our next online auction will be in...

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