About The Owner, Charles Morin
Charlie has been in the Art and Antique business since 1974. He ventured off
into the estate sale business in the mid 1980s. He was 14 years old when he
began buying and selling vintage automobiles . His first car was a 1936 Ford
Coupe with a Rumble seat; purchasing it in 1974 and restoring it from the ground
up within a year. Charlie's second car was a 1958 Corvette which he still owns
today. His passion for old things started with the cars and then snowballed into
antique jukeboxes, coke machines, and related game room antiques. Charlie
owned an antique store in New Braunfels, TX for 20+ years. His business has
evolved through the years and now concentrates on art and estate sales,
specifically Vintage Texas Paintings; however, his inventory does stray now and
then if a good piece crosses his path. He likes New Mexico, California , as well
as good American or European Art. He also deals in Vintage Texas Utilitarian
Pottery and furniture when he can find it. Not only is Charlie a dealer, He's a
collector as well. His personal collection consists primarily of a few of his favorite
artists such as Porfirio Salinas, Exa Wall, Santa Duran, Slaughter, A.D. Greer,
and Rolla Taylor.
Charlie owns a fully staffed Art Gallery in San Antonio located near the McNay Art
Charles Morin's Vintage Texas Gallery
1020 Austin Hwy.
San Antonio Texas. 78209
Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00-5:30
Saturday 10:00-4:00
Phone: (210) 710-6305
Second Location in Fredericksburg
244 W. Main
Fredericksburg Texas 78642