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The late Tim Latimer

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Lansing, MI 48906 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 20
10am to 5pm
Feb 21
10am to 5pm
Feb 22
10am to 3pm
31 swords.

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.No valuables left on site until day of sale. we do accept debit or credit cards and cash, bring help to load large items, not responsible for accidents, signup sheet will be put out the night before by 6pm on porch ,do not need to stay , just need to be there when numbers are given out at 9:30 AM, doors open at 10AM numbers given out 1st day only.. PLEASE Don’t Block Driveways...
 Description & Details

70% off  today….Our sale dates are 20,21,22 hope to see everyone there on Thursday.. Handmade quilts, quilt tops,artist supplies,fabric, sewing machines new and vintage, sewing supplies ,clocks ,Christmas department 56,,books,Albums,Blue Willow,household items, sword collection, garden items,tools.cast iron. Paintings, artwork.prints..Koken Antique Barber chair



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