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estate sale2 day sale sale is over
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  • Address The address for this sale in Sanford, MI 48657 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Oct 18
9am to 4pm
Oct 19
9am to 4pm

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MM provides professional asset & estate liquidation services centered in research, respect & relatio...
 Description & Details

Slash Into the Savings Like an Estate Sale Ninja! Sanford sale inventory includes but is not limited to: Cub cadet LT1042 hours 420 excellent working condition, Yard cart, Tools, die hard battery charger,, birdhouses tools, Tool cabinet, Let glass windows, Antlers, Fencing, Spreader, Briggs & Stratton 5 hp pressure washer 1750 psi, Rigid circular saw, Gas cans, Launch lawn chairs, Lawn chairs, Women’s Hogan bike, Hedgehog, Copper tub, Weber charcoal grill green, Flatscreen TVs, Gladding, Bows and arrows, Outhouse blind, toboggan, Coolers, Fans, Outdoor cement decoration, Antique cart, Flower pots, Yard tools, Milk can, Gas charbroil grill, Lawn furniture, Lawn...

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