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Vans Estate Sales St. Peter’s

estate sale3 day sale sale is over
  • Address The address for this sale in Saint Peters, MO 63376 will no longer be shown since it has already ended.
Feb 27
9am to 3pm
Feb 28
9am to 3pm
Mar 1
9am to 3pm

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Great Vintage Sale!! Come see us the house is packed full! Vintage Heywood Wakefield MCM set 1970’s Vintage California original American cowboy Southwest Native American oil painting Native American hand painted deer hide Original pencil drawing of bison buffalo - Vintage Americana Pictures Indiana Proverb picture by A. Rodriguez 1967 Jim Beam Cheyenne Decanter Lanford Monroe Intruder statue Horse sculpture Antique Native American butter churn Fisherman cove collection Danbury Mint Panasonic slim line RCA DVD player Visio 26” LED LCD Smart TV Panasonic RS 8 track player Vintage Ethan Allen Heirloom nutmeg maple Windsor chairs, end tables, desk, bedroom furniture,...

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