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estate sale2 day sale sale is over
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Feb 21
9am to 4pm
Feb 22
9am to 3pm

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 Description & Details

IT'S THE 'CLASS ACT' ASHLAND ESTATE SALE BY HALSTEAD'S HELPING HANDS ESTATE SALES! IT'S DEFINITELY A CLASS ACT....! A very interesting and creative sale! A high point...A Paul Saltzman Historical Photograph of the Beatles in India with the Maharishi. Signed and Numbered. 'The Beatles in Rishikesh'. Our passed owners were Producers/Backers of Saltzman trip with the Beatles to India. There are several signed books and a Large Poster with signed autograph to the Producers, Phyllis and Walter. GREAT FURNITURE -Beige Sofa, Antique Arts and Crafts Tiger Oak Sideboard/Buffet, Rustic Pine Sideboard, 2nd Rustic Sideboard, Large Pine Coffee Table, Wrought Iron/Glass...

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